Match result

Team badge
Ostermark Cockerells

gate: 11 000
2 TD score 0
cas score
Chaos Renegade logo
no custom badge
Xena's Rough Necks


profile D. Udogie
profile G. Vicario
TD Scorers

profile C. Romero
profile D. Kulusevski retired
Foulers (no cas)
Joxar the Mighty retired
Joxar the Mighty retired
Joxar the Mighty retired
Iolaus retired
Sent off
Badly Hurt'ers

Xena Warrior Princess

profile G. Vicario
Completions by
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

profile J. Maddison retired
MVP awards to
Sustained Injuries

profile B. Davies retired
Miss Next Game

profile B. Davies retired
-1 AV
Result added February 10th, 2024

Match notes
The rain pored down relentlessly over the Ostermark Cockerell stadium, reducing visibility and making it harder to move the ball, as well as obscuring the view of the referee that blissfully ignored all 8 fouls throughout the game. Ostemark chose to receive and were quick off the mark with a TD from some tidy passing and running, as both teams sent players into the deepening mud and injury box. On resumption the ball bounced generously all the way to the line of scrimmage in front of the Cockerell line, who then blitzed on kick off to reclaim it and sing the praises of Nuffle. Not to be outdone Xena and her renegades began the systematic crushing of white Cockerell uniforms, downing multiple players and forcing armour rolls and fouls. It was Xena herself who smashed in B. Davies (#5) head and sent him to the injury box with a head injury (-1AV) and missing the next game. While this happened the Cockerell’s thrower, Vicario (#1), had given up on throwing anything and decided to rush the ball for a TD to end the first half 2-0. As the teams took to the field for the second half, the pitch was mostly mud, and both the Renegade Troll and Cockerell Ogre found themselves confounded on several occasions - the ogre possibly because his head was in the mud most of the half. The kick off went long leading the Renegades to collect and box the ball up, but the cockerells surrounded the space and it became a slow grind to the OC end zone, not helped by a time out at the start of the half. Despite many a crunchy block, and a growing streak of blood and mud moving to the end zone, t was just not enough momentum and ground to a halt in a series of fouls deep in Cockerell territory. All up, a focus on the ball in the first half and on the balls of the players in the second made for a great spectacle - if only anyone could have seen it through the pouring rain.

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