Matches with injuries for
 Ulfwereners, Melbjorn Jorviktory |
Achievements: |
Interceptions: |
0 |
Deflections: |
0 |
Completions: |
0 |
Touchdowns: |
0 |
Casualties: |
0 |
MVP awards: |
0 |
Unspent SPP: |
0 |
(0) |
Fouls: |
0 |
Compl. seasons: |
0 |
| | |
MBBL Season 28 |
Opponent |
TD score |
cas score (kills) |
gate |
inj. |
Round 1 |
The Blocked Nostrils |
1 - 0 |
8 - 3 (1-1) |
8 000 |
Latest bulletins:
The Pink Boogerz |
A Respectable Tie! The Boogerz haven't lost ... |
The Pink Boogerz |
We Won??!! A surprising result for the Boogerz, ... |
Latest matches:
MBBL Season 28, Round 2 |
0 |
Sou'King Sunbaskers |
4 |
Purple Menace |
MBBL Season 28, Round 3 |
1 |
Stumpy Stormhammers |
1 |
Skurvy Bilgerats |
MBBL Season 28, Round 2 |
1 |
Pink Boogerz |
1 |
Melbjorn Jorviktory |
MBBL Season 28, Round 1 |
0 |
Catch with Dad |
1 |
Pink Boogerz |
MBBL Season 28, Round 1 |
0 |
Blocked Nostrils |
1 |
Melbjorn Jorviktory |
MBBL Season 28, Round 2 |
1 |
Iron Riders of Sk... |
2 |
Dastardly Dorfs |
MBBL Season 28, Round 2 |
3 |
Lava Lizards |
0 |
Xena's Rough Necks |
MBBL Season 28, Round 1 |
1 |
Sou'King Sunbaskers |
2 |
Black Fortress Ba... |
MBBL Season 28, Round 2 |
1 |
Skurvy Bilgerats |
0 |
Lizards of Oz |
MBBL Season 28, Round 2 |
1 |
Forgotten Kings |
0 |
Stumpy Stormhammers |
MBBL Season 28, Round 1 |
0 |
Xena's Rough Necks |
3 |
Hexoatl Stegadons |