Plays for Edmundsheim Eagles with number 6.
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 200 lb
Seasons Played:
8 9 10 11Games Played: 24
Career Fouls: 3 (0.125 foul/game avg)
Injuries Caused from Fouls: 1
Passing Accuracy: 1 from 2 attempts (0.50 success)
Passing Distance: 12 paces (6.00 pace avg)
Best Season:
10An import from far off Estalia, Sherrit has been relegated to bench-warming duties and given the nickname 'Spud' due to his less-than-stellar performance in his first 14 matches - zero casualties, failed passes - he seemed to be a generally lacklustre player.
In this match
Warpfire Flamers - Edmundsheim Eagles (MBBL Season 10, Round 3), J.C. was given the team MVP by match commentators despite the fact that he achieved nothing the whole match (in fact, he spent most of the second half on a siesta in the medical tent), but it seemed to be the confidence boost he needed, scoring a TD and getting a casualty in subsequent games.
Has recently been training with the blitzing core, working on his speed and endurance.