J. Maddison

J. Maddisonretired
Human Lineman,
Ostermark Cockerells


Interceptions: 0
Deflections: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 1
MVP awards: 3
Unspent SPP: 1 (14)
Fouls: 2
Compl. seasons: 1





6 2 3+ 4+ 9+ Block, Dirty Player (+1), Kick

Sustained Injuries: -ST

Retired during MBBL Season 28.

Having been knocked over at least five times, Maddison was a firm crowd favourite and was selected the MVP on her debut. A random skill roll gave her Block, so we expect to see more blood on her account.

Completing her second game with nothing to show for it except surviving the line of scrimmage again and again, Maddison was once more selected MVP much to the coaching staffs chagrin. The coaches are pretty much leaving her to do as she wants - and she wants to foul people it seems… (random skill roll: Dirty Player).

Game 4 saw Maddison leaning heavily into her preferred tactic - sticking the boot in with two fouls. A fast fan favourite.

Season 26 Champions
Season 26 Silver Winners
Season 26 Bronze Winners
Season 25 Champions
Season 25 Silver Winners
Season 25 Bronze Winners
Season 24 Champions

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