Catch with Dad

Race:  Elven Union Team
Coach:  Elephant_Fresh
'Catch with Dad' embodies Bloodbowl's lost art of throwing a football from one player to another. Former stars of the insolvent 'Elven Champions League' they bring their unique brand of low contact Bloodbowl to the pitch. Gracefully hurling the ball across the line of scrimmage and into the hands of talented catchers they make Bloodbowl look as easy as some back yard catch with Dad.

However, their enormous medical costs would beg to differ

Elven Union Team logo
no custom team badge
Bulletin board from the coach


Tournaments played:
MBBL Season 27
Playing in:
MBBL Season 28
Trophies won:

Season 27 Champions
Season 27 Silver Winners
Season 27 Bronze Winners
Season 26 Champions
Season 26 Silver Winners
Season 26 Bronze Winners
Season 25 Champions

Latest matches:
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