Match result

MBBL Season 8, Round 3
Skaven logo
no custom badge
Ratsburg Steelers

gate: 30 000
1 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Renault Gitane


Blice the Quiet Bounty (80000 gp)
TD Scorers
Exocet Junior dead
Exocet Junior dead
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

mercenary / fans / random event
Badly Hurt'ers
mercenary / fans / random event

Montgomery Bounty (50000 gp)

Exocet Junior dead

Mic the Spiff
Completions by
Président Junior retired
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

Mic the Spiff
MVP awards to
Sustained Injuries

Snizball retired
Miss Next Game

Sned retired
Niggling Injury
-1 MA

Guss the Puss Bounty (50000 gp) dead
Result added August 29th, 2013

Match notes
This was a game which had just about everything! Thrown rocks, a one turn TD, Star Players playing a big role, the end of a glittering career, amazing Wizard action, Riots and finally a dropped pass from the most experienced player in the league!

With the inducement money Coach Dazed hired Prince Moranian, a wizard and a babe.

Opening kick off went deep from the Elves but the Montgomery/Blice the Quiet combo meant it was 1-0 before Dazed had even sat down.

At the next kick off a thrown rock BHed Goyard leaving the Elves short of Guard for the game. The Rats were playing dirty with Fouls in Turns 2 and 3 however the Refs were having none of it sending off Rat lineman each turn. The Elves advanced upfield with the Prince successfully blitzing away Blice however Guss dodged into the cage before failing over. The next turn saw a foul kill 98 Star Player Point Guss the Puss and with the Apoth failing a long career came to an end. The lack of numbers was starting to tell on the Skaven and it was 1-1 at the half.

In the second half the attrition on the Skaven was again a problem. Montgomery tracked down the Prince and sent him packing however all 7 Skaven were bunched together with the Wizard being able to target the whole Skaven team! 4 knocked down, two off the pitch left the Skaven with only 5 players against 9 and despite some desperate D it was 2-1 in turn 16.

But Blice came back from the KO bin giving the Skaven a chance. A riot resulted in two turns to score but Blice dropped the pass and the Elves were able to clean up to come out the winners 2-1.

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