Plays for Edmundsheim Eagles with number 11.
GW 27/10/14 fan fave added for s10 game vs gastly ones
GW 8/11/14 removed fan fave
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 186 lb
Seasons Played:
9 10 11Career Fouls: 2 (0.111 foul/game avg)
Passing Accuracy: 2 from 2 attempts (1.00 success)
Passing distance: 39 paces (17.50 pace avg)
Best Season:
10An ex-slave (accused of sleeping with his master's wife), Heinrich escaped from captivity pursued by a group of bounty hunters intent on returning him to face retribution. They eventually cornered him in Edmundsheim.
Coach Simian stumbled across the scene of Heinrich getting tackled by one bounty hunter after the other only to squirm free. Impressed by his skill, Simian immediately paid off the bounty hunters and freed Heinrich, offering him a position with the team which Heinrich gladly accepted.
Jorg Gowansohn is the offensive receiver, Heinrich, the defensive safety, is not to be dismissed lightly; he scored three touchdowns in the
Gastly Ones - Edmundsheim Eagles (MBBL Season 10, Round 5) game making him a definite fan favourite.
Heinrich is fearless, willing to take on opponents much stronger than him.